Consulting Code

A code of how to operate. Not some fluffy mission statement or list of generally obvious principles.  Something focused, specific and clear.  These principles are how I give.

Smartly Solve

Do the right thing with people and technology. And, always do it honestly.

All a company is, is a bunch of people together to create a product or service. There’s no such thing as a business, just pursuit of a goal — a group of people pursuing a goal.” – Elon Musk


Framing this way helps aligns people.  It helps answer what the right thing is.  For the people and the technology.  This isn’t fluffy, it’s specific. For example, “What’s the goal of having more than one tool that does the same thing?  Is that really the right thing?”

It’s obviously not so simple. But, try keeping top of mind this simple statement for a month and see what happens with your decisions. If nothing changes it’s likely there’s some dishonesty.

Clearly Communicate

Use simple brief languageobvious graphics, and automate information gathering.

Two parts: 1. imparting information, and 2. gathering information.


There’s a term, “consultancy speak”. When imparting information use direct language and no-nonsense graphics. Cut the fluff. Impart information as you would to a child. Not immaturely but simply. Seriously.


It’s a travesty that smart people spend inordinate time and effort building decks. Decks with dashboard graphics and spreadsheets cut-n-pasted into slides. Why? Get smart on what you need to measure and put value on each measurement.  Then find a way to automate it and means to share it. “What’s the monthly update on our cloud migration in Equities?”, the answer should be a URL, not I’ll send you the powerpoint.

Always Ahead

Technology moves exponentially.  It’s necessary to live on the left (bleeding-edge).

There’s somewhat an art to stay ahead with technology.  Understanding those technologies to focus on, those to ignore. And, of course, those to invent. You must be narrowed. Laser-like in focus and assessment.


Too often one witnesses technology for technology’s sake. Or, something like, “We should be doing containers because they are.” Not a reason to adopt, say, Kubernetes.  Naturally, similar firms in similar industries will use similar tools, but not necessarily. Engineering discipline is best addressed using first principles thinking not by analogy.

And, by doing that you’ll need to live on the bleeding edge to propel forward.

Learn to Listen

All about the client, leave the ego at the door.  Work with four ears, half a mouth and ten hands.

I’d love to think that Simon Sinek stole this from me, but he didn’t.  And, he does a much better job at explaining1 it.


I’m fortunate to have been given this advice. It catalysed the creation of my consulting code. It’s not easy to be the last to speak.  Sounds easy though.  In practice it’s far from it.

“Four ears, half a mouth and ten hands”, helps to do it though.  It also biases the effort on listening and executing. Try it for just one week.  And, watch Sinek’s video (less than 2 minutes).

Engage to Exit

Aim to exit within 90 days.  One quarter is enough time for a step-change in value.

A-players hire As, B-players hire Cs” – as the saying goes.


The best A-players are the very smart, but lazy, people. Lazy in the context of questioning themselves, “Why am I doing this when a system could do it?”.  Those incredible engineers that engineer themselves out of a position in order to affect great change. Unwavering hunger for value generation.  This is not about rushing and then leaving.

Aim to make yourself redundant in one calendar quarter.  Do that and you’ll sky-rocket, along with the firm.

If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work, and give orders. Instead, teach them to yearn for the vast and endless sea.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

That’s why it’s Engage to Exit and not Engineer to Exit.


Eight years into my technology career, two of which into my consulting business, I’d become rather arrogant. The first to speak and often ignoring others’ ideas. I was young and foolish.

A year later everything changed. It was 1997. I was 27. I’d learnt to be the last to speak. That was when I committed to having a formal code.  A focused, specific and clear code of how to operate as my foundation. The first decade or so it was all over the place.  Chopped, changed, stolen bits from others, and a few times scrapped. Then, in 2008, I decided to bring it back.  It’s been the same ever since. And it has a cool acronym – SCALE. So, there you have it. Play with it, change it, steal it.  What ever you do, create one for yourself.

Nota bene: Case studies showing examples of SCALE in practice are coming soon.

1. Simon Sinek on learning to listen –